Drug Charges

Updated 1 Jan 2021

At Proctor & Associates we understand the difficulties you face when confronted with drug charges, such as a charge of possession, supply of a prohibited drug, or drug trafficking by the police.

Drug chargesWe would encourage you to contact Proctor & Associates immediately if you are facing a drug arrest to allow us to prepare your representation.

Penalties for Drug Offences can be very harsh, even if you are a first offender.

Charges relating to the usual party drugs such as Ecstasy, Cannabis, and Ice (Methylamphetamine) in small quantities generally result in a fine and perhaps if the court can be persuaded, then no conviction pursuant to s.10 of the Crimes (Sentence Procedure) Act.  However, you should not be complacent that just because you are a first offender, that the court will grant leniency.  You should instruct a Criminal Defence Lawyer to act on your behalf, to ensure the best representation possible.

The more serious charges of Supply Prohibited drug will generally result in some form of custodial sentence.  A term of full time imprisonment is likely for those who traffic in illicit drugs, however, there are alternatives such as a Suspended Sentence, Intensive Correctional order or Home Detention that a court might consider if it deems such a course appropriate.

If police wish to speak to you, ensure that you speak to your lawyer first.  Remember – anything you say to the police will be used against you and may determine what charges will be laid against you.

In such circumstances, make sure that you contact Proctor & Associates immediately so that we can protect your interests.

Implications of facing drug charges

Whether it be a minor charge of possession of a prohibited drug or the more serious charge of supply, a criminal conviction can have a serious impact on your future employment, travel or social standing.

Schedule an initial consultation with one of our experienced drug lawyers in order to advise you and prepare your case for court.

Contact us by calling us on (02) 9687 3777 or send us a confidential email by completing the contact form opposite and we will gladly assist you.

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